MALANG - Three days after the deadly incident at the Kanjuruhan Malang Stadium, East Java, the National Police investigation team has examined 29 witnesses. Witnesses examined were mostly by the police. "Bareskrim and the East Java Regional Police are still working on a marathon, currently they have examined witnesses the age of 29," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to reporters in Malang, East Java, Tuesday, October 4. Dedi detailed that of the dozens of witnesses, 23 of them were members of the National Police. While the rest range from the organizing committee to PT Liga Indonesia Baru (LIB). However, the examination of witnesses outside members of the National Police was temporarily postponed. Then, it will be continued the next day "For the examination of witnesses from the organizing committee, of course, it will continue until tomorrow," he said. Despite the investigation process in the context of investigation, the two-star general said there was a change in the number of victims. A total of 592 people. In detail, 125 people died, 405 people were slightly injured, 30 people were moderately injured, and 29 people were seriously injured. "The number of victims who died is still 125 people to this day," said Dedi.

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