JAKARTA YouTuber Baim Wong and Paula Verhoeven content creators of fake domestic violence reports (KDRT) are in the spotlight of legal observers. Trisakti University Criminal Law expert Abdul Fickar Hadjar assessed that what the two artists had done had insulted the country's justice. According to Abdul, this issue must be dealt with firmly.

"He insulted judicial power, insulted the real country," Fickar said when confirmed, Tuesday, October 4.

Fickar menyebut semua orang, baik itu anak menteri pun, apabila telah menghina aparat penegak hukum maka orang tersebut harus ditindak secara tegas.

"You can't just go around with people, whoever he wants artists or even ministers. I think there should be action," he concluded.

As is known, Baim Wong and Paula Verhoeven were officially reported by the Friends of the Indonesian Police (SPI) to the South Jakarta Metro Police, Monday afternoon, October 3.

Tengku Zanzabella as the party (SPI), said the report was made because the artist couple was considered to have made a mistake against the community.

The report is registered in the number LP/B/2386/X/2022 South Jakarta Metro Police dated October 3, 2022.

"Today we reported BW and his wife. We report it because there is a prank or publicization. So we have to act to correct the name of the Polri institution," said Tengku at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Monday, October 3.

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