JAKARTA - The South Jakarta District Attorney's Office (Kejari) has received the delegation of evidence of the premeditated murder of Brigadier J and the obstruction of justice. Head of the South Jakarta District Attorney's Intelligence Office, Harengga Berlian, said that this delegation was a verification form for evidence of the case.

"Today (This) is only the verification of the evidence first," said Harengga via text message, Tuesday, October 4.

Harengga said that the delegation of the suspect would be carried out on Wednesday, October 5.

"For the submission of the suspect tomorrow," he concluded.

Sebelumnya diberitakan, Polri melakukan pelimpahan tahap dua kasus pembunuhan berencana Brigadier J dan obstruction of justice pada Selasa 4 Oktober. Namun, mekanisme pelimpahan hari ini hanya barang bukti.

"Today is the plan for evidence first," said the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto, when confirmed, Tuesday, October 4.

Only the evidence was delegated, said Agus, in accordance with the results of coordination with the Attorney General's Office (AGO). Meanwhile, the delegation of the suspects remains on schedule on Wednesday, October 5, tomorrow.

"According to the agreement, the suspect tomorrow," he said

However, there was no detail about the evidence of the two cases that would be transferred. The three-star general only conveyed that the delegation process was carried out at the South Jakarta District Attorney's Office.

"(The delegation location, ed) of the South Kejari," said Agus.

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