JAKARTA - Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) lawyer, who faces the United States lawsuit over the 2018 killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, told the court on Monday that his client's appointment as prime minister last week confirmed he was immune from prosecution.

Khashoggi was killed by Saudi Arabian agents at the Istanbul Saudi Consulate in an operation believed to be US intelligence ordered by Prince Mohammed, who had been the ruler of the royal de facto for several years.

Prince denied ordering Khashoggi's murder, but later admitted it happened "under my tutelage."

Last week, King Salman appointed him prime minister in a royal decree, which a Saudi official said was in line with the responsibility already carried out by the crown prince.

"The Royal Government has no doubt that the Crown Prince is entitled to immunity based on status," the prince's attorney said in a petition asking a federal district court in Washington to drop the case, citing another case in which the United States has acknowledged immunity to a foreign head of state.

The lawsuit was filed jointly by Hatice Cengiz (a Turkish citizen to be married to Khashoggi) and a human rights group founded by the deceased. It asked for unspecified compensation against the crown prince, naming more than 20 other Saudis as co-defendants.

He accused MbS, his co-defendant and others of ploting to "permanently silence Khashoggi" after learning he plans to use the group as a "platform to support democratic reform and promote human rights."

The court has asked the US Department of Justice to disclose views on whether Prince Mohammed has immunity, setting a October 3 deadline for response.

Following the appointment of the prince as prime minister last week, the department said on Friday it was seeking an extension of 45 days to prepare for its response to court "given the changing circumstances."

On Monday, US District Judge John D. Bates granted an extension request but said there was no solid evidence, this would be the only extension he would allow.

The United States should file a statement of interest no later than November 17, Bates said in court documents.

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