SURABAYA - DPC PDI Perjuangan Kota Surabaya reported that the election campaign violation was carried out by the winning team for the pair of candidates for Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Surabaya number 2 Machfud Arifin and Mujiaman to Bawaslu Surabaya.

Head of the PDIP Surabaya DPC Election Winning Board Anas Karno said there was an alleged violation of the Machfud-Mujiaman campaign props (APK) for wearing a photo of the Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini (Risma).

"We have reported it to Bawaslu Surabaya on Sunday (29/11)," he said as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 1

According to him, the APK violation in question was in the form of distributing material and its completeness in the form of images, photos and videos on social media and on WhatsApp groups featuring the figure of Mayor Tri Rismaharini in Machfud-Mujiaman candidate material.

"In fact, currently Mrs. Risma as the Chair of the PDIP DPP clearly supports Eri Cahyadi and Armudji," said Anas.

Anas said the alleged fraud and violations by the Machfud-Mujiaman team were detrimental to his party.

"Dissemination through social media that puts a picture of Mrs. Risma holding up two fingers, as if the person concerned supports candidate number 2 with the writing of good people and love Surabaya, choose number 2, with a ballot paper with a picture of candidate pair number 2 pierced with nails. This is the name of hijacking Mrs. Risma's photo. , "he said.

In addition, he continued, violations also occurred in one of the WhatsApp groups.

"The dissemination of the campaign video with a number of women wearing t-shirts with the picture number 2 and basically wanted to impress the supporters of the MA (Machfud Arifin) are supporters of Mrs. Risma, and Mrs. Risma is the MA, and the MA is Mrs. Risma. This is an attempt to deceive the public, because clearly Bu Risma supports Eri-Armudji, "said Anas.

According to him, this has violated the regulations stipulated in the current KPU Regulations, so it is natural for his party to report violations.

"This violates the provisions of campaign material, especially Article 24, KPU Regulation Number 4 of 2017, as in conjunction with PKPU Number 11 of 2020. The idea is that Mrs. Megawati, Mrs. Risma, Eri-Armuji are a single unit that is not divided," he said.

Anas admitted that he could not understand the inconsistency of the Machfud-Mujiaman camp. Before this the Machfud-Mujiaman duet always hit Risma. "On various occasions Mrs. Risma was always attacked, some even chided her with the song 'Destroy Risma Right Now', now the other side is turning around praising and posting a photo of Mrs. Risma," he said.

Meanwhile, the Coordinator of the Bawaslu Secretariat for the City of Surabaya, Indra Fajar, confirmed the report. When asked about the actions of Bawaslu Surabaya, Indra could not explain in detail from the reporting of this violation.

"There are several photocopies of screenshots from social media WhatsApp and files related to several short videos. We will report them to the commissioner," he said.

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