JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian said the COVID-19 pandemic was worsening after an increase in new cases. Where on Sunday, November 29 positive cases reached a new record with 6,267 cases.

"These figures show that the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia is worsening," said Tito in a written statement to reporters, Tuesday, December 1.

Reflecting on these figures, the former National Police Chief then asked the regional heads to quickly and proactively be able to control and even overcome the spread of this virus in the community. Regional heads, said Tito, need to pay more attention to the community to implement 3M + 1, namely wearing masks, maintaining distance, washing hands and avoiding crowds.

Moreover, this has been regulated in Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No. 6/2020 concerning the Improvement and Enforcement of Health Protocols in the Prevention and Control of COVID-19.

"So that there is no more reason to violate health protocols," he said.

He also ordered regional heads to maintain synergy with the central government as this is necessary to deal with the pandemic.

In addition, the control of COVID-19 must be taken seriously by local governments. Because, the challenges that exist are not only controlling the virus and health, but also related to economic issues so that a balance is needed in making decisions.

Tito also said that regional heads were also being tested in the midst of this pandemic. Thus, it is necessary to have the right strategy to deal with various things that occur, especially those related to public health and economy.

"The leadership test takes place during a crisis, not during normal times. Try to come up with a strategy how to handle health as best as possible, but at the same time not let the economy stagnate, keep moving," he said.

Finally, Tito also asked regional heads to immediately socialize policies and mechanisms for vaccinating COVID-19, including the preparation of budgets and regional expenditure revenues (APBD) for each region. "I hope the regional head can be the spearhead of socialization," he said.

Previously, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) highlighted the increasing number of active cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia. This made President Jokowi look angry and said the situation for the spread of COVID-19 was getting worse.

Jokowi also asked the Minister of Home Affairs Tito to remind regional heads to implement strict health protocols.

He emphasized that the duty of the regional head is to protect the safety of its citizens, especially in the current situation of the Covid-19 pandemic. "The duty of the regional head is to protect the safety of its citizens," said Jokowi.

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