JAKARTA - The firmness of the National Police in detaining PCs (Putri Candrawati), wife of FS (Ferdy Sambo), a former high-ranking National Police officer, because of the murder case of Brigadier J., received appreciation from the social volunteer organization "Suket Teki Nusantara". "We are proud of the National Police Chief for his firmness in ordering the Criminal Investigation Unit investigators of the National Police. We support and play an active role in maintaining harkamtibmas, especially the National Police Chief's policy regarding humanistic and fair law enforcement, which in this case detained PC mothers who were involved in the alleged premeditated murder of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat," said the General Chairperson of the Suket Teki Nusantara DPP Heru Wijaya, in Kediri, East Java, Saturday, October 1 to Antara. He considered that the current National Police Chief's policy was quite firm and always among the people in charge of nurturing and protecting the community. According to him, the National Police case is directly related to the integrity and credibility of the institution in building public trust, so that his party also gives attention and gives support to the Police so that they are accountable and take responsibility and act professionally in handling cases. With fairness and firmness, the hope of a conducive and law-abiding atmosphere can be realized. "Achieving a safe and conducive situation and empowering MSMEs has an impact on increasing economic growth," said Heru. National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo announced the detention of the suspect in the premeditated murder of Putri Candawathi on Friday, September 30. The investigative team has evaluated the wife of the suspect Ferdy Sambo.

The National Police detained Putri Candrawati at the Criminal Investigation Unit at the National Police Headquarters. From the results of the examination, her physical and psychological condition is currently in good condition, it was decided to be detained at the Police Headquarters Detention Center. General Sigit also added that the detention of Putri Candrawati was carried out to answer the public's pressure on legal similarities to all suspects. However, in the process, the National Police also emphasized that there was no special treatment regarding the detention of Putri Candrawati. The attorney for Putri Candrawati, Febri Diansyah, revealed that her client's children will be cared for by caregivers and grandmothers, as long as their parents are detained at the Police Headquarters Detention Center (Rutan). Febri revealed that the situation currently faced by his client was not easy for children, both minors and children who were still in school.Ferdy Sambo has been detained at the Mako Brimob Detention Center since August 9, 2022, after being named a suspect. Meanwhile, Putri was only detained last Friday, after being named a suspect on August 19, 2022. The National Police have not detained so far, for humanitarian reasons.

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