JAKARTA - Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati admitted that she was saddened by the increase in new positive cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia. The reason is because the increase in these cases could disrupt economic activity in the country.

For your information, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) has released the latest additional positive cases of COVID-19 today. A total of 40,055 specimens were examined today. As a result, there were 4,617 new positive cases of COVID-19. Thus, the total accumulated positive cases since COVID-19 was discovered in Indonesia reached 538,883 people.

The province with the most new cases is in DKI Jakarta with 1,099 new cases and a total of 136,861 cases. DKI Jakarta is also the province with the most accumulated cases in Indonesia. Followed by Central Java which has 899 new cases with a total of 55,896 cases. West Java has 741 new cases and a total of 48,666 cases. Then, East Java has 400 new cases and a total of 52,517 cases.

According to Sri Mulyani, the government always pays attention to the number of positive cases of COVID-19. In fact, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked all parties to be aware of the increase in the number of active cases.

"Indonesia continues to be careful so that we can still handle COVID-19 because it has tremendous social, economic and financial impacts," he said in a webinar, Tuesday, November 24.

This state treasurer reminded the public to keep upholding the discipline of health protocols when doing activities outside the home. Especially for those who will carry out activities during the Pilkada on December 9 and year-end holidays.

"Even though you will do activities for the Pilkada or for a vacation at the end of the year, never forget the discipline of health protocol. Masks must always be there, reserves must always be there. Use them and don't just put them in your pocket," he said.

Sri Mulyani also requested that every community activity always implement 3M, namely wearing masks, maintaining distance, and washing hands.

"If we are all disciplined, not only can we prevent COVID, but we can also restore the economy," he said.

The government, said Sri Mulyani, continues to move quickly in handling positive cases of COVID-19 in the country. In fact, he and other assistants were asked directly by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) so they would not be careless in handling COVID-19.

"The President this morning conveyed to all governors and ministers especially the heads of ministries and institutions not to be tired and careless in handling the development of COVID-19," he said.

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