JAKARTA - The suspects in the murder case of Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J had undergone a polegraph test or an honesty test, although the results were still kept secret. National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit said it would be opened in court.
"That's material, everything will be opened soon in court, everything is clear, open," General Sigit told reporters, Friday, September 30.
The four-star general also stated that the examination using thelie detector would be one of the instructions for the panel of judges. Thus, later it becomes the basis for giving sanctions to each suspect.
"Lie detectors are part of a tool that can later be used by judges to take a belief," said Sigit.
Originally, the suspects in the murder case of Brigadier J, namely Bharada Richard target, Bripka Ricky Rizal, Strong Ma'ruf, Putri Candrawati, and Ferdy Sambo, had undergone an honesty test at the National Police Forensic Laboratory (Labfor).
However, only the results of the Bharada Polygraphic test Richard totaled, Bripka Ricky Rizal, and Strong Maruf were conveyed. They were declared honest in providing information.
"The temporary results of the polygraph test against RE, RR and KM, the result is 'No problemally Indicated' alias Honest," said Director of General Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Andri Rian Djajadi.
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