JAKARTA - The Transjakarta Roundabout HI bus stop is said to have violated the procedures for preserving cultural heritage because it blocked the view towards the Welcome Statue.

Jakarta historian JJ Rizal views this as a bad record for the leadership of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan whose term of office will end.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Anies has so many achievements, in this context if we open the book for Mr. Anies' leadership period, this Transjakarta bus stop case will become a black stain in his gold record while in government," said JJ Rizal when contacted by VOI, Friday, September 30.

JJ Rizal also admitted that he was surprised. On the one hand, Anies tries to maintain aspects of his history in Kota Tua through structuring, while on the other hand there is revitalization that disturbs the HI Roundabout area as an object suspected of cultural heritage (ODCB).

"I think it's strange. Mr. Anies is fighting for the revitalization of Kota Tua, but why not fight the national city? I regret it," said JJ Rizal.

Furthermore, JJ Rizal stated, the Welcome Statue of the HI Roundabout is an important object. Because this is a work inherited by President Soekarno, Governor Henk Tidak Fontein, and artist Edi Sunarso, and Henk Ntik.

In addition, according to him, this object is also a symbol of the nation, a friendly spirit in carrying out world order based on independence, eternal peace, and social justice.

Although the construction of a magnificent bus stop has made Jakarta considered rich in infrastructure, JJ Riz said this resulted in Jakarta being poor in character.

Supposedly, as a government-owned enterprise, continued JJ Rizal, PT Transjakarta must maintain its historical heritage as a source of city inspiration.

"He (Transjakarta) must represent the side to provide the public with an architectural model that respects historic areas," he added.

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