MANOKWARI - The Food Task Force (Satgas) team oversees the sale of oil cooking oil in Manokwari Regency, West Papua Province, so that the trading price does not exceed the provisions of the highest Retail Price (HET) set by the government.
Head of Perum Bulog Manokwari Branch Firman Mando stated that the distribution and sales supervision activities of oil and gas were carried out so as not to be misused by a number of individuals who intend to sell at a price of more than HET, which is Rp. 14,000 per liter.
"Because it is a government program, this is also supervised by policy makers, for example from the Industry and Trade Office. If there are individuals or parties who sell more than that price, the Food Task Force Team will delegate it to the authorities," said Firman Mando in Manokwari, West Papua, Antara, Thursday, September 29.
So far, said Firman, there have been no findings of a case of oil palm sales at prices exceeding HET.
He said that because Kuita had just entered Manokwari starting earlier this week and is currently in the distribution stage in the area.
The distribution of oil and gas distribution, he said, was carried out through partners in Wosi Market and Sanggeng Market and other networks, namely Our Food House (RPK).
In Manokwari, according to Firman, the oilita distributed from the government through Bulog is a repackaging of one liter. He said that so far there are still no rules for limiting the maximum purchase of oil and gas by the public.
Firman also ensured that the availability of oil and gas stocks in Manokwari was sufficient to meet the needs of the community until the end of this year considering that the number of availability of oil and gas stocks in Manokwari reached around 18,000 liters.
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