JAKARTA Yajid Nurhadi, a firefighter (damkar) in the South Jakarta area, visited the Pesanggrahan Police. Wearing a blue official uniform, the 25-year-old man asked about the motorcycle theft case he experienced on September 19. Because Yajid received information that the perpetrator had been arrested.

"Yes, so after the incident, the next day I immediately caught it. It's just my motorbike that hasn't been found, that's why I came here (Polsek Pesanggrahan) I wanted to ask," Yajid said when met at the Pesanggrahan Police, Thursday, September 29.

Yajid also told the beginning of the incident. According to him, at that time, on Monday 19 September, Yajid lost his motorbike when he was parked at his office at Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, at around 14.00 WIB.

"Usually we park next to the post. The fire park area is there. The fire post area has construction, so the workers think it's just the workers. The picket ones don't get lost. (Losing motorbikes) It's fast, it's about 10 minutes," explained Yajid.

Yajid admitted that at the time of the incident, he was resting. However, there were several of his colleagues who were on guard at the damkar post.

"The troops are 11 people, approximately 5 to 6 motorbikes carrying motorbikes. Coincidentally, I'm resting above, I'm not getting a picket quota, right. Suddenly I woke up, the motorbike was gone," he said.

Based on information received by Yajid, on that day there was also the same case, namely motorcycle theft and the victims were Public Infrastructure and Facilities Handling (PSSU) officers from Pesanggrahan Village, namely Rusmana (48). Yajid said, the perpetrators were the same person.

"The perpetrators are the same, on the same day. It's two hours apart. Monday is also September 19," he said.

Furthermore, although there was news that the perpetrator had been arrested at the Pesanggrahan Police, Yajid admitted that he was not relieved because his motorbike had not been found. According to information, the perpetrator has sold it to other people.

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