ACEH - Investigators from the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Aceh Police examined 12 students to complete the information in the alleged corruption case of scholarships from the Aceh Government amounting to Rp22.3 billion. Director of the Special Criminal Investigation of the Aceh Police, Kombes Sony Sonjaya, said the 12 students were scholarship recipients who were not entitled or did not meet the requirements as recipients. "The 12 students came from East Aceh Regency. The examination took place at the East Aceh Police. The examination was to complete the information needed by investigators," said Sony in Banda Aceh, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, September 28. From the examination, he said, it was revealed that nine of them admitted that they did not receive scholarships in full. They admitted that the scholarship was cut by the field coordinator who was looking for recipients of educational fee assistance. "They admitted that they did not receive the scholarship full because the field coordinator was cut. How many cuts are still being investigated by investigators," he said. Although receiving scholarships is not full, he appealed to students who receive educational assistance who do not meet these requirements to return any state losses they have received. "They are not entitled or do not meet the requirements as recipients. Therefore, we urge them to immediately return how much they have received. Until now, investigators have received scholarship returns of more than Rp. 1.15 billion," he said. Previously, investigators from the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Aceh Police investigated allegations of corruption in the Aceh Government scholarship for the 2017 fiscal year with a value of Rp22.3 billion. The scholarship budget was placed in the Human Resources Development Agency of Aceh Province. The scholarships were distributed to 803 recipients. In handling this case, investigators from the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Aceh Police have named seven people as suspects. The seven suspects are the initials SYR as the Budget User (PA), FZ and RSL as the Budget User Authority, FY as the Activity Technical Implementation Officer, as well as SM, RDJ, and RK as the field coordinator.

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