TANGERANG - South Tangerang Police Chief, AKBP Sarly Sollu explained, in the case of the adulterated gas cylinder which he dismantled on Jalan Akasia, Pamulang, South Tangerang (Tangsel), the main goal was to seek big profits.

Kedua pelaku, yakni MS dan S, memindahkan gas dari tabung 3 Kg yang disubsidi pemerintah, ke tabung gas 12 Kg non-subsidi. Sehingga menurut kompleksi, kedua pelaku mendapatkan keuntungan 100 persen lebih.

"The market is sold (gas 12 kg) 210,000 rupiah. Now it's 3 kg 22,000 rupiah. It means that there are about 4 tubes in the difference. So the profit he gets can be greater," explained Sarly to reporters on Jalan Akasia, Pamulang, South Tangerang, Tuesday, September 27.

In front of police officers, the perpetrator with the initials S admitted that he could supply gas after learning from MS. However, continued Sarly, his party is still looking into finding out that the MS process can be modified by the gas cylinder.

"We just got to what extent he could know. Does he know whether he heard the information, did he try to make it up so he took the initiative by changing the gas from 3 kg," he said.

MS and S were charged with Article 55 of Law Number 22 of 2001 concerning oil and gas as amended based on Article 40 of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation with a penalty of 6 years.

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