JAKARTA - The DPR supports the 3 kg LPG stove conversion trial into an induction electric stove carried out by the Government. It is hoped that the trial can produce the best program for the people.

"Basically, the DPR continues to support the government's plan to reduce emissions and began switching to using environmentally friendly fuels, one of which is by converting the use of LPG stoves into electric stoves," said Member of Commission VII DPR RI, Abdul Kadir Karding, Tuesday, September 27.

Even so, Karding reminded the Government's policy of paying attention to the readiness of the community. He agreed with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)'s direction which said the policy of converting gas stoves to electric stoves would not be implemented in the near future, even though the trial program was still ongoing.

"We encourage that the trial of the use of electric stoves to the community must be able to produce programs that are effective and effective," he said.

As is known, the Government has implemented a trial program for 1,000 Beneficiary Families (KPM) in Solo, Central Java and Denpasar, Bali by providing free induction electric stoves. Initially, the Government planned to provide free electricity stove packages to 300 thousand Indonesians recorded in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS).

The power stove package consists of an induction electric stove, one cooking utensil and one Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) or a special power line for electric stoves. This special route is provided by PLN through a special electric cable line for cooking with sufficient power for electric stoves.

That way, beneficiaries of assistance, which mostly electricity users are 450 VA and 900 VA, do not need to make changes in power. However, because it has drawn a number of controversies, the realization of the provision of the free electric stove package has been postponed and only limited to testing, the results of which will be used as evaluation material.

"It must be considered from all aspects if we really apply the transition from a gas stove to an electric stove," explained Karding.

He added that there was a lot to consider before deciding on the transition of gas subsidies to the conversion of electric stoves. Including, said Karding, the electrification level in areas outside Java is not yet full.

"We can't turn a blind eye, there are still areas that have not been electrified where the majority of the people are the target beneficiaries of the electricity stove subsidy," he said.

"So there must be improvements in terms of electricity infrastructure which is evenly distributed before the stove conversion program is really realized," continued Karding.

The legislator from the Central Java VI electoral district also asked the Government to consider the impact of changing the habit of using fuel for cooking that will be felt by the community. According to Karding, changes cannot be made immediately because people are currently used to using LPG.

"And don't forget, there are still many people in villages who are never reached by the LPG stove at all. There are still many people who cook using stoves and wood, so that if the changes are too drastic, it will certainly cause various obstacles," he explained.

Not only that, the induction electric stove requires certain types of pans and pans which will certainly affect the way and pattern of cooking the Indonesian people. Because the pans and pans made of aluminum and copper that are currently widely used by the community are not suitable for electric stoves.

"So whether the aid package will include replacing all community cooking utensils, which I think require an additional budget," said Karding.

The energy commission in the DPR understands that the policy of converting electric stoves can reduce the burden of subsidies in the country which is quite significant. Moreover, according to Karding, the electricity stove conversion program is expected to be a solution to the problem of PLN losses due to oversupply or oversupply of PLN electricity.

"But it must really be known whether the planned program is in accordance with the current conditions of the Indonesian people. The timing must be right," he said.

Karding also encourages the need to increase studies on plans to transition the use of stoves from gas to electricity. Not only scientific studies, but also social and economic studies.

These studies must be objective. In my opinion, it is also important for the Government to make concrete efforts in educating the public about the benefits of converting this electric stove," Karding urged.

And the target of the best persuasion is for the upper middle class who are literate about energy issues to be better. Invite them to switch to using an independent electric stove," he continued.

However, a massive socialization process is needed for all people. While the trial is carried out, increasing literacy regarding the conversion of gas stoves to electric stoves to all residents is considered to be a priority program.

In principle, the DPR supports policies and programs that can help reduce the burden on the State. But the government still has to prioritize the interests of the people," concluded Karding.

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