PALEMBANG - The defendant, former Ogan Komering Ulu Timur Police Chief, South Sumatra, AKBP Dalizon, was sentenced to four years in prison for extortion and gratification of infrastructure development projects at the PUPR Office of Musi Banyuasin Regency in 2019. The Public Prosecutor of the Attorney General's Office stated the demands during the trial at the Palembang Corruption Court (Tipikor) today chaired by Judge Mangapul Manalu. "We hereby demand that the Panel of Judges who tried this case impose a sentence on the defendant AKBP Dalizon with a 4-year prison sentence with a fine of Rp. 550 million, subsidiary of 6 months," said Attorney General of the Attorney General's Office Syamsul Bahri Siregar when reading the indictment file quoted from Antara, Monday, September 26. In addition, the prosecutor also demanded that additional criminal defendants pay compensation for state losses worth Rp. 10 billion. The replacement money payment must be completed for 1 month, if it is not sufficient, then the confiscated property belonging to the defendants must be auctioned off, or replaced with an additional 2 years in prison. On that occasion, the prosecutor stated that the demands were as stated in Article 12e or 12B of Law Number 31 of 2001 or Article 5 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 5 paragraph (1) letter a of Law Number 31 of 2001 concerning the Crime of Corruption. "The defendant AKBP Dalizon was legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing an unlawful act as stated in the article against him," said the Prosecutor. According to the Prosecutor, the article was alleged to the defendant for allegedly forcing Herman Mayori, the former Head of the PUPR Service Musi Banyuasin, to provide a 5 percent share of the money for a project under investigation by the Sub-Directorate of 3 Tipidkor of the South Sumatra Police Ditreskrimsus, which at that time was led by the defendant Dalizon. Then, the defendant also asked for a quota of 1 percent for security so that no other law enforcement officers attempted to investigate allegations of corruption in all projects carried out at the PUPR Office of Musi Banyuasin in 2019. “ Dalizon's defendant without the right to force Herman Mayori to give a 5 percent and another 1 percent share, if the investigation carried out by his personnel is not fulfilled, the ” said the Prosecutor. According to the Prosecutor, the defendant's request was finally fulfilled by the PUPR Office of Musi Banyuasin, by giving money worth Rp. 10 billion, which was delivered by a staff of the local PUPR Service to the house of the defendant Dalizon in Palembang. After that, the person concerned ordered members of Sub-Directorate 3 of Tipidkor to stop the investigation process without going through the case process. From the Rp10 billion, it is suspected that the defendant was given to his colleague AS in stages. Then used by the defendant to buy an additional house, exchange cars, buy 1 unit of Honda Civic sedan, including savings and deposits of the defendant's wife's account and others which have now been confiscated as evidence. Meanwhile, the defendant Dalizon through his legal advisor expressed his objection to the indictment from the Attorney General's Office in the trial so that he decided to file a plea. The panel of judges finally closed the trial and will reopen on Wednesday 5 October 2022 at the Palembang Corruption District Court with the agenda of listening to the defendant's plea.

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