PONTIANAK - The Regional Tax Management Team (TPPD) of Pontianak City, West Kalimantan sealed 34 billboards because the owner was not or was negligent in paying taxes.

Head of the Regional Tax and Levy Supervision and Audit Extension Division of the Regional Finance Agency (BKD) of Pontianak City, Irwan Prayitno, said this control was aimed at billboards who had violated Regional Regulation Number 11 of 2020 concerning Regional Taxes of Pontianak City.

"Where the billboards have tax arrears and so far there has been no settlement by the owner of the billboard," said Irwan Prayitno after leading the reclamation tax control team in Pontianak, Monday, September 26.

The Pontianak City TPPD has brought order to a number of billboards that have not paid their taxes by installing a seal that reads 'This billboard has not paid regional taxes, under the supervision of the Pontianak City Government'.

Several types of billboards were sealed, including billboards of large size billboards with various product brands also sealed covered with some billboards that read the billboards that have not paid taxes.

Of the billboards that have been brought under control, it is dominated by mobile phone or smartphone products, motorized vehicle brands, and online transportation billboards. The unpaid tax release period varies from one month, one year to two years.

According to Irwan, before this sealing action was carried out, his party had already sent a warning letter several times to the owner of the points or organizers of the billboards.

But unfortunately until the time of this action, there has been no follow-up to the owner of the billboard to settle his obligations. Generally, the most frequent violation committed by the owner of the billboard is to put up a billboard first even though the billboard tax has not been paid and this is clearly not in accordance with the provisions, he said.

"After this sealing, if within 7x24 hours the owner of the billboard has not followed up, then we will reduce the billboard," he said, quoted by Antara.

Furthermore, according to him, these products will be included in the blacklist or blacklist. When the product in question is included in the blacklist list, all their products are not allowed to be shown their billboards in the Pontianak City area.

People who want to install billboards are advised to report and settle their tax obligations first before the installation is carried out. Meanwhile, taxpayers who have a billboard tax object or who have installed a billboard have not registered, to be more aware of taxes by immediately registering and paying their billboards.

"And for those who have passed the broadcast period, it is hoped that they will immediately apply for an extension of the installation and pay off their billboards because of the tax paid to build Pontianak City," said Irwan.

For people or taxpayers who need information or want to consult regarding regional taxes, the Pontianak City BKD provides information hotline through a special channel "supervision network" with the WhatsApp number 0853-89999-100.

"Through the supervision network, it will be easier for taxpayers to obtain information related to the Pontianak City regional tax," he said.

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