ACEH - The Aceh National SAR Agency (Basarnas) team is still looking for a 15-year-old teenager who was lost in the current while swimming at Lhoknga Beach, Aceh Besar District, Aceh Province. Head of Banda Aceh Basarnas Ibnu Harris Al Hussain explained that the victim was identified as Muhibbul, a resident of Beureunuen, Pidie Regency, Aceh. The search for victims has entered its second day. "The victim disappeared after being swept away by the current while swimming the Lhoknga Beach, Saturday at 13.35 WIB. The victim is still being searched," said Ibnu in Banda Aceh, Antara, Sunday, September 25. Previously, the victim and two of his colleagues swam on Lhoknga Beach. Suddenly the strong current dragged the three. Two of the victim's colleagues were rescued by residents. Ibnu Harris said his party deployed a SAR team after receiving reports of missing victims. The search for victims involved two teams using rubber boats. The first team searched the surface of the water with a radius of one nautical mile. While the second team searched along the shoreline for one kilometer. "The search lasted until 18.30 WIB. However, the victim has not been found because the conditions are late. The search for victims continues today," he said. Previously, the Aceh Basarnas appealed to parents to supervise their children while bathing on Lhoknga Beach. This is because many cases of people missing and drowning on the beach are underage victims. "We urge the family to monitor the activities of children while bathing in the Lhoknga Beach. To the coast manager, we also hope to put up warning signs for visitors to stay away from dangerous areas," said Ibnu Harris Al Hussain.

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