JAKARTA - The Perbaungan Police, Serdang Bedagai, North Sumatra (North Sumatra) thwarted the circulation of 14.2 kilograms of cannabis from two suspects, in Sei Sijenggi Village, Perbaungan District.

Kapolsek Perbaungan AKP Viktor Sim Continak said on Saturday that the two suspects arrested were a husband and wife couple, Musyafar alias Syafar (40), and Tiara Nika Lubis (23).

The arrests of both began with reports from residents who were concerned about the rampant circulation of marijuana in Sei Sijenggi Village.

Receiving the report, officers then conducted an investigation at the mentioned location and succeeded in identifying the suspect.

"After knowing the identity of the suspect, the officers made an arrest using the under cover buy technique," he said.

During the transaction, officers immediately arrested the suspect and evidence of 14.2 kilograms of dried marijuana in black plastic which was stored in the Kijang Innova car with police number BK 1934 GD.

From the results of the interrogation, the suspect admitted to having obtained the item from a colleague named Wawan who lives in Medan Helvetia District.

When officers were carrying out developments to Medan Helvetia, the suspect Musyafar tried to escape by fighting the officers.

"Our officers then gave firm and measured action to the suspect in the form of a shot in the leg," he said again.

Then the officers took the suspect to the nearest hospital for treatment.

"For further processing, the two suspects and evidence were submitted to the Sergai Police Narcotics Unit," he also said.

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