KUDUS - Chairman of the Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo) of Kudus Regency, Bambang Sumadyono said, companies in Kudus Regency, Central Java, responded to the adjustment of fuel oil prices (BBM) by taking efficiency steps to reduce operating costs so that they were not too high. He claimed the company confirmed there was no reduction in employees due to the increase in fuel prices. "So far, communication networks between workers and employers are quite good, so that later there will also be a common ground. Entrepreneurs will also certainly not take steps to reduce workers because internal efficiency steps within the company are still possible," said Bambang Sumadyono in Kudus, Antara, Thursday, September 22. The intended efficiency step, namely the use of raw materials, is certain that there is nothing left to do by minimizing the existence of remaining materials. In addition, the unnecessary use of electrical energy will also be turned off so that operational expenses can be suppressed. According to him, there are many things that can be targeted for cost efficiency so that entrepreneurs are still profitable with the current condition of fuel prices. Moreover, entrepreneurs have also experienced previous fuel price adjustments so that adjustments to these impacts are certain to only take a short time. "So far, we have not felt a significant impact on the adjustment to the price of fuel oil, but we have prepared anticipatory steps," he said. He admitted that with the price adjustment, the industry that processed raw materials into raw materials was confirmed to be affected. Moreover, entrepreneurs, which from the beginning involved transportation, were also affected by the increase in company operational costs following the adjustment. "For the mobility of product distribution, it is indeed affected. However, this is considered a challenge so that it can still produce and benefit," he said. So that the competitiveness does not decrease, he said, entrepreneurs must also maintain the quality of their products and not burden the impact of adjusting fuel prices to consumers. "If the steps to burden the impact of fuel price adjustments on consumers, of course, they can reduce competitiveness in the market," he said. Regarding expensive costs for workers, he said, it has not been calculated because later there will also be adjustments when determining the minimum wage of Kudus district (UMK). The price of Pertalite type subsidized fuel currently rose to Rp. 10,000/liter from the previous Rp. 7,650/liter and Biosoler rose to Rp. 6,800/liter from Rp. 5,150/liter.

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