JAKARTA - PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto reminded party cadres to be disciplined regarding the presidential and vice presidential candidates. This was conveyed in response to the emergence of the Council of Colonels formed by the PDIP faction in the DPR to support DPR Speaker Puan Maharani.
Hasto reminded that the problem of presidential and vice presidential candidates could lead to dynamics. So, everyone is asked to be careful in their attitude.
In response to this, Member of the PDIP faction of the DPR RI, Junimart Girsang, explained that the formation of the Colonel Council had nothing to do with the DPP. According to him, the formation of the forum was purely from the wishes of a number of members of the PDIP faction DPR who wanted to support Puan Maharani in the 2024 election.
"Loh? This (Colonel Council) is not about the party. This is the voice of us, members of the DPR who often gather in the faction leadership room, while waiting for sessions at the commission. That's right," said Junimart at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Thursday, September 22.
The deputy chairman of Commission II of the DPR ensured that the Council of Colonels would continue to socialize Puan Maharani to the electoral district as a presidential candidate while waiting for a decision from the general chairman of the PDIP, Megawati.
"Of course we will discuss socialization, how do we make it more rooted. That's right? It's a blow from the community. Sir, who is our president later? Change Mr. Jokowi? I asked, who do you think? Yes, we asked, how do we know. If I was personally asked, Mrs. Puan Maharani. How do I say? Agree? Am I wrong there? Not really," said Junimart.
The legislator from the North Sumatra electoral district emphasized that the Council of Colonels was not in the PDIP structure at all. Because he said, the formation of this team was purely from the dreams and desires of a number of faction members to carry Puan Maharani.
"It's okay for us to have dreams. That's right. And this is not part of the party structure. It's not included in the party structure," said Junimart.
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