YOGYAKARTA The government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) encourages the public to switch from the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) stove to an electric induction stove. In the midst of plans to divert 3 kg LPG gas to an electric stove, it is important to know the correct electrical stove treatment technique.

Induction stove care cannot be equated with gas stove maintenance. The reason is, the electric stove material is generally made of glass or ceramics, making it more prone to being scratched. Therefore, the maintenance of the electric stove must be carried out carefully.

You should also not apply the habit of using a gas stove when using an induction stove because it can damage the stove component. For example, placing cooking utensils that are too heavy or rough, placing the spatula on the stove, and placing a glass container on top.

Compiled by VOI from various sources, here are the correct electrical stove maintenance techniques to keep them durable.

Try to always clean the electric stove every time you use it. This needs to be done to prevent the appearance of stains that have the potential to become stubborn people and are difficult to clean.

If you want to clean the electric stove, make sure to remove the switch first so that there is no short circuit when the stove is cleaned with a special liquid.

By revoking the switch, the process of cleaning the electrical induction stove in the kitchen will be safer for you and your family.

When cleaning an electric stove, use special cleaning products that can be applied as much as possible to remove stains on glass or ceramics.

How to clean it, simply spray a special cleaning liquid on the surface of the stove, then wipe it with a clean to dry cloth.

As mentioned above, electric stove material is generally made of glass and ceramics. Thus, an electric stove has the potential to be scratched when cleaned with a cloth that is not soft.

Therefore, use a soft cloth when cleaning an electric stove. The use of a soft cloth can prevent the occurrence of unwanted choirs.

An example of a soft cloth that can be used to clean the litulist stove is a soft towel or microfiber cloth.

Some types of cooking utensils are not suitable for electric stoves. One of them is a pan or frying pan made of heavy tempa iron, because it has a rough surface that has the potential to cause scratches on the surface of the stove.

Not only that, cooking utensils made of ceramics or clay that are not powdered are also at risk of scratching the surface of the stove.

When cooking, do not ever put the spatula or spoon of vegetables, especially those that are still wet on the litis stove. The reason is, hot droplets or oil can leave stains on the surface of the stove. This node is usually fast mongering and difficult to clean.

When you finish cooking in a glass container in the oven, you should not put it on the surface of an electric stove to cool it. This can make the surface of an electric stove made of glass easily crack and break.

That's the correct and safe electrical stove maintenance technique to keep it durable.

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