YOGYAKARTA - Along with the increase in fuel prices, of course, diesel is also not missed to rise like Pertalite and Pertamax. And this time we will discuss the criteria for vehicles that can be filled with diesel, what are they?

Meanwhile, the price of diesel subsidies increased from Rp. 5,150 per liter to Rp. 6,800 per liter. Subsidized fuel oil (BBM), namely fuel subsidized by the government, uses State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) funds.

Subsidized fuel has a limited amount that matches the quota, the price is regulated by the government, and is intended for certain consumer users.

For this reason, there are vehicle criteria that can apply subsidized fuel such as biosoler or diesel or Pertalite. Then, what vehicles have the right to use subsidized fuel?

vehicle criteria that can use biosoler or solar subsidies are listed in the Attachment to Presidential Regulation Number 191 of 2014 concerning Supply, Distribution, and Retail Selling Prices of Oil Fuel.

The following are vehicle criteria that may use solar subsidies based on attachments to Presidential Regulation Number 191 of 2014:

Micro Businesses

Equipment machines whose motor engines use Solar Oil for micro-enterprises. Purchase is carried out by verification and a letter recommendation from the Head of the Regency/City SKPD in charge of Micro Enterprises.

Land transportation

The criteria for land transportation that may use solar subsidy are:

Water transportation

Then, the criteria for water transportation that may use solar subsidy are:

Meanwhile, the criteria for public service vehicles or the government that may use subsidized diesel are:

Agricultural Business

Farmers/classs of farmer/Agricultural Machinery Services Services who run a food crop farming business, holtikultura, plantations with a total area of two hectares, and livestock by using agricultural machinery with verification and recommendations from the Village Head/Head of Village/Head of Regency/City SKPD in charge of agriculture.

Fisheries Business

Fishermen who use Indonesian fishing vessels with a maximum size of 30 GT registered at the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Provincial/Regency/City SKPD in charge of fisheries by verifying and recommending letters from the Fisheries Port or the Head of the Provincial/Regency/City SKPD in charge of fisheries in accordance with their respective authorities.

Small Scale Fish Breeders (krincir) with verification and recommendations for letters from the Regency/City SKPD in charge of fisheries.

Then, the criteria for vehicles that are allowed to use Pertalite are still in the issuance of the revised Presidential Regulation Number 191 of 2014.

However, at this time PT Pertamina Patra Niaga is conducting a trial for Pertalite purchases, especially for 4-wheeled vehicles using MyPertamina.

Quoted from the legal Pertamina website, the Solar Subsidy Program or Pertalite Rod 4 is a step so that the distribution of fuel subsidies is more ideal for the target. The opening of registration has also begun as of July 1, 2022 yesterday.

This registration can be run online via sites that can be opened from HP/Computer, or offline registration by visiting registration booths in designated zones.

Thus are vehicle criteria that have the right to consume solar subsidies or Pertalite.

After knowing the criteria for vehicles that can be filled in diesel, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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