JAKARTA - BUMN observer Toto Pranoto from the University of Indonesia assesses that the Nusantara State Capital (IKN) development project will become a large magnet, which requires optimizing work SOEs such as PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk or WIKA in the second semester of 2022.

"The IKN development plan will become a large magnet that must be optimized by state-owned enterprises," said Toto, Monday, September 19, quoted from Antara.

He also added that the prospects for projects that can be pursued by BUMN works such as WIKA at the end of this year are domestic infrastructure projects.

Regarding performance throughout the first semester of 2022, Toto said that the performance of BUMN's work began to bloom earlier this year.

"Financial reports for the first semester of 2022 show that there is a state-owned company that is able to respond well to the situation," said Toto.

Previously, WIKA achieved two IKN Nusantara projects in East Kalimantan, namely the Kariangau- Tempadung Intersection and housing for workers.

WIKA President Director Agung Budi Waskito said the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) had auctioned off several work packages in which some had signed contracts and most of them were in the auction process.

The IKN project is an attraction for WIKA as a construction business actor. Regarding preparations, he continued, WIKA has prepared very well at IKN starting from the offices in East Kalimantan.

Then, WIKA also has experience in the construction of the 90 km Balikpapan-Samarinda Toll Road, so WIKA knows exactly the conditions around IKN.

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