JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) presented Basir Rifai, a freelance daily worker (PHL) from the National Police as a witness in a case of alleged gratification for the removal of red notice for the accused Joko Tjandra.

During the trial, Basir said that Brigadier General Prasetijo Utomo had come to the Trans-National Crime Center (TNCC) building, on April 28 and May 4, 2020. Prasetijo's arrival brought a paper bag and folder.

"Once, we went to the TNCC building," Basir said during a trial at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Thursday, November 26.

Basir admitted that he knew Brigadier General Prasetijo had come to the TNCC building because he was asked to participate. In fact, Basir brought the paper bag.

Basir is known to have served as PHL who worked in Brigadier General Prasetijo's office. She works on cleaning the room and brings drinks to the guests

"I brought the paper bag. The contents were hand sanitizer, mask and cellphone owned by Mr. (Prasetijo)," said Basir.

However, Basir did not know what Brigadier General Prasetijo's purpose was in the building. Because he only accompanied him to the main lobby elevator. Basir decided to wait on the 11th floor on the grounds that he had many friends there.

After Brigadier General Prasetijo got out and got into the car to leave the TNCC building, Basir had asked about the whereabouts of the paper bags that were previously brought. Apparently, the paper bag was left behind.

"When I came home I didn't bring a paper bag, I asked about the paper bag, he said he left it in Nyoman's room," said Basir.

Then on May 4, 2020, Brigadier General Prasetijo again invited Basir to the TNCC Building to be precise to the Head of International Relations Division (Hubinter) Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte. This time he was asked by Prasetijo to bring a blue folder, but did not know the contents of the folder.

In fact, Basir said that Tommy Sumardi already had Tommy Sumardi in the Kadiv Hubinter room. This is known because he saw when Brigadier General Prasetijo came out of the room.

"On May 4 to TNCC, as usual for preparations, I was asked to bring a blue map. (At TNCC) Pak Prasetijo went to the Kadiv Hubinter room then to the Ses NCB room. Mr. Tommy Sumardi came out of the Kadiv Hubinter room," said Basir.

After leaving the room, Basir did not see the blue map that was previously handed over to Brigadier General Prasetijo.

In this case, Joko Tjandra was charged with violating Article 5 paragraph (1) letter a or b or Article 13 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to the Law. Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption in jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st KUHP Jo. Article 65 paragraph (1) and (2) KUHP.

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