JAKARTA - Taiwan was rocked by earthquakes for two days in a row on Saturday and Sunday.

An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.9 rocked Hualien Regency, Taiwan, on Sunday at 14.44 local time (13.44 WIB).

Guncangan gempa tersebut lebih kuat daripada gempa sebelumnya yang berkekuatan magnitudo 6,4 di Kabupaten Taitung pada Sabtu (17/9).

Taiwan's Seismology Center noted Sunday's quake was at a depth of 7 kilometers north of Taitung Regency.

As quoted by Antara, there have been no reports of casualties due to the natural disaster. A multi-storey building in Yuli City near Hualien Regency, which is occupied by residential areas and supermarkets, collapsed due to the earthquake.

A train express crashed at Dongi Station, Hualien Regency, according to a CNA report, Taiwan's official news agency.

Taipei's Indonesian Trade and Economic Office (KDEI) has not been able to be contacted regarding the earthquake.

The number of Indonesian migrant workers in Taiwan reaches around 280 thousand people. They are spread across various regions, including in Taitung and Hualien, the eastern region of Taiwan overlooking the Pacific high seas.

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