KALBAR - Head of the Pontianak SAR Office, West Kalimantan, Yopi Haryadi stated, until the second day the search for the joint SAR team found five victims of landslides in gold mining activities without a permit (Peti) in Kinande Village, Lembah Bawang District, Bengkayang Regency, who were found dead.

"So far, 13 victims have been recorded, eight have been found safe, five have died," said Yopi Haryadi, quoting Antara, Sunday, September 18.

He explained, until the second day of the search, there were about 13 people who became victims. Eight people survived and five others were found dead shortly after the landslide in the Peti area.

"Today we stopped the search after the joint SAR team assisted with heavy equipment in the form of excavators from the Bengkayang Regency BPBD, and we did not find any additional casualties," he said.

In addition, the family also did not feel that they had lost their family members. "After a joint evaluation, the joint SAR team decided to stop the search," he said.

Meanwhile, data on the victims who died, namely Bengkayang Regency residents, on behalf of Picko (27) a resident of Sejaruk Village, Lembah Bawang District, then, Hermanus (42) a resident of Benawa Bakti Hamlet, Monterado District, Mayanto (23) a resident of Grantung Village, Monterado District, then Oot (22) a resident of East Selawau District, Sambas Regency, and Apok (40).

He added that the buried victim, when gaining or looking for gold, used traditional equipment, Thursday night, September 15.

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