BENGKULU - Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from Commission VIII of the Bengkulu electoral district (Dapil), Mohammad Saleh said, the issue of removing madrasas from the national education system (Sisdiknas) was hoaxes or false news. "I have confirmed to my friend at Commission X who is currently discussing the Sisdiknas Bill, that there is no abolition of madrasas in the law," said Mohammad Saleh after attending an Islamic education conversation held by Commission VIII of the Indonesian House of Representatives together with the Ministry of Religion Rejang Lebong in Rejang Lebong, Saturday, September 17. He explained that the issue of removing madrasas from the Sisdiknas Law was misleading, madrasa had a very big role in the Indonesian nation and state. Currently, schools are based on Islam, both public and private, he said, are starting to be interested in the upper middle class, currently many parents are willing to spend expensive costs to include their children in Islamic religious-based schools. "So the position of madrasa is safe, we are also in Commission VIII who are also concentrating on Islamic religious education will continue to fight for it and it turns out that there are no problems, the issue is a hoax," he explained. Meanwhile, to help increase madrasas and Islamic boarding schools in Rejang Lebong Regency and other areas in Bengkulu Province, Mohammad Saleh admitted that he would continue to strive so that in the future assistance or budget for Bengkulu Province could be disbursed. more.

"With regard to the assistance of madrasah education, Islamic boarding schools, educational support devices in the form of servers at MTS Baitul Makmur, we have disbursed Curup. We will also do this in other regkulu districts/cities in Bengkulu Province through the DPR RI aspiration program," he explained. Meanwhile, Head of the Rejang Lebong Ministry of Religion Nopian Gustari stated that currently in that area there are 25 madrasas spread across 15 sub-districts in Rejang Lebong ranging from madrasah aliyah (MA) to madrasa ibtidaiyah (MI). The 25 madrasas in Rejang Lebong Regency include five madrasa aliyah consisting of one private MA and four private MAs. Then eight units of madrasa Tsanawiyah (MTs) consist of two state MTs and six private MTs, as well as 12 MI units consisting of four state MIs and eight private MIs.

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