JAKARTA - The new management of PT Garuda Indonesia is trying to move on from the myriad of internal Garuda problems that have occurred to the previous management. At the end of 2019, Garuda's integrity was shaken since the smuggling of Harley Davidson and Brompton bikes on Garuda planes.
As a result of this scandal, the President Director of PT Garuda Indonesia I Gusti Ngurah Askhara Danadiputra alias Ari Askhara was later removed from his position by the Minister of BUMN Erick Thohir.
In addition, the anonymous Twitter account @digeeembok had accused the practice of prostitution in Garuda. It was said, Garuda Indonesia officials often made flight attendants as sex slaves or in other words 'service bosses'.
Citizens discussed the accusation at the red plate airline that the case was brought to the realm of law.
President Commissioner of Garuda, Triawan Munaf, admitted that Garuda's image had been removed for these cases. Triawan will emphasize to all Garuda staff to prevent a similar case from being repeated.
"We accept and review all input. But this case has not been legally justified, because it is still an issue. What is important in the future. Why are we still questioning the things that burden us," said Triawan at the BUMN Ministry Building, Central Jakarta, January 24.
Triawan said that the new Garuda leader adhered to the message of BUMN Minister Erick Thohir to solve Garuda's old problems and continue with good policies.
"The most important thing, we put morals first. Here is the business of happiness. Don't just pay attention to the company but the impact of flight carriers on the economy and national unity. You have to be profitable, but don't sacrifice others," he said.
The President Director of Garuda Indonesia, Irfaniaputra, continued, of all the problems that have befallen Garudaia, it will not wipe out the old Garuda officials other than the person who caused the Garuda problem.
According to Irfan, the board of directors, including Garuda's shareholders, still need old ranks who already fully understand Garuda's management so that the company's sustainability will not be shaken.
"We still need these old people so that there is continuity. If all the ranks are filled with outsiders, the old ones will lose their motivation to develop. Maybe there are a few mistakes, but overall they are professional," said Irfan.
"As president director, I look to the future. My life experience tells me that if I often look back, I will fall," he added.
To ensure that all Garuda staff so that no one misuses their positions, Irfan will make an Integrity Pact.
"We will emphasize this Integrity Pact not to abuse the authority of our superiors to that party. We will take certain actions if it is proven that there is fraud," he said.

For information, Triawan Munaf and Irfaniaputra were appointed as the new leaders of Garuda at the Garuda Indonesia Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) which was held on Wednesday, January 22.
Apart from appointing the former Head of the Creative Economy Agency to become the Garuda Commissioner, the EGMS also appointed former PT INTI (Persero) President Director (Dirut) Irfaniaputra as the Garuda Indonesia Managing Director.
Triawan replaces the previous Komut, Sahala Lumban Gaol. Meanwhile, Irfan took the position of I Gusti Ari Askhara, who was dismissed due to the Harley Davidson smuggling case. In the Board of Commissioners, the EGMS also appointed the son of former president Gus Dur, Yenny Wahid, as an Independent Commissioner.
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