JAKARTA - The Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights has formed a joint independent team to investigate the return of KPK suspect Harun Masuki who had fled to Singapore. Harun is on the KPK's wanted list (DPO) because of the bribery case of KPU commissioner Wahyu Setiawan.
Inspector General of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Jhoni Ginting, said that this team was formed at the behest of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly in order to follow up confusion and speculation regarding the location of Harun Masiku's whereabouts.
"This joint team will consist of the Inspectorate General, the Cyber Crime Directorate of Criminal Investigation, the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN), the Ministry of Communication and Informatics and the Indonesian Ombudsman," said Ginting, at the Directorate General of Immigration Building at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Jalan Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta, Friday, January 24.

The Directorate General (Ditjen) of Immigration acknowledged that the KPK suspect Harun Masiku had been in Indonesia since January 7, or the day before the arrest operation (OTT) conducted by the KPK against the suspect Wahyu Setiawan. Previously, it was reported that on that date, Harun was not in Indonesia.
According to the statement of the Director General of Immigration at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Ronny F Sompie, there was a problem with the equipment at Soekarno-Hatta Airport so that Harun's arrival was unknown.
Ronny's clarification contradicts the statement of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly. Yasonna, who is also the Head of the PDIP Legal and Legislation Division, insists that Harun has been abroad since January 16 and has never returned to Indonesia.
Kemenkumham denial
Ronny denied the accusation that the Ministry of Law and Human Rights had hidden the whereabouts of Harun, who was still a DPO. He said this confusion was due to constraints in providing information.
"If it is considered covering up, I think it is tendentious," said Ronny.
The former Bali Police Chief said that the focus should not be on information on crossing data, but on finding Harun Masiku, who is currently in Indonesia.
"How to find Harun Masiku so that the law enforcement is complete. It is not questioning how this information is given and is considered to be obscure. Where do we cover it? If we are silent it could be," he said.
In addition, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights also denied falsifying the data on Harun Masiku's arrival to Indonesia. This is because, according to Ronny, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights has been open about the existence of the suspect in the case of the alleged interim replacement bribery (PAW) of the PDIP candidate.
"We also did not lie, did not manipulate the data. Because if we look at the actual chronology, if we question information about crossing data, it is not significant with the main objective of law enforcement," he said.
Ronny said that all information obtained by the Directorate General of Immigration had been given to the KPK, including the location where Harun Masiku was. Not only that, his party has also taken precautions so that Harun cannot leave Indonesia.
"It has to be, because the KPK on the 13th gave a letter asking for prevention. Now we are strengthening the prevention again, because he is already inside," he said.
He added that on January 16, Yasonna conveyed the whereabouts of Harun Masiku, who is still abroad. The statement was based on information from the Head of Public Relations and General Affairs at the Directorate General of Immigration on January 13.
"He only provided information once on the 16th. The data he gave was data from the results of a study by the Directorate General of Immigration without any engineering, also without a direction from the Minister of Law and Human Rights to manipulate the data. That's really factual data that has been provided," he said.
On the same day, when Yasonna conveyed information about the whereabouts of Harun Masiku, who is still abroad, Koran Tempo wrote the news that Harun had returned to Indonesia from Singapore using a Batik Air ID 7156 plane.
Based on the news, said Ronny, the Directorate General of Immigration ordered the Head of the Soekarno Hatta Special Class I Immigration Office to trace the truth of the information on the arrival of the plane carrying Harun Masiku via CCTV in coordination with PT Angkasa Pura II.
Not only that, he continued, the immigration team also conducted a deepening of information at Terminal 2F Soekarno-Hatta Airport. The deepening is carried out for three days starting from January 17th. They were only able to confirm the location of Harun Masiku's whereabouts were already in Indonesia on January 19.
"From the results of the in-depth study, the team managed to find data on the Harun Masiku crossing that was recorded in the Immigration Management Information System (SIMKIM) on January 7, 2020 at 17.34 WIB through the arrival terminal 2F with a Batik Air ID 7156 aircraft," he said.
Ronny explained, when doing deepening the team also discovered the fact that apart from Harun Masiku, there were a number of data on people who arrived on that date that had not been sent to the Immigration Data Center server.
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