BOGOR - Bogor Resort Police, West Java, arrested a young man with the initials RAP (24) in Caringin, Bogor Regency, because he was caught farming marijuana in a pot at his home. "We have never harvested, we have only planted it in the past month," said Head of the Narcotics Unit of the Bogor Police, AKP Muhammad Ilham during a press conference at his office, Cibinong, Bogor, Antara, Thursday, September 15. Based on the information he received, the suspect RAP initially bought a package of marijuana type drugs on one of the social media accounts. Then, the RAP separates the cannabis seeds from the leaves for planting. "The suspect obtained cannabis seeds by buying them online through a social media. Then to plant the marijuana, he was done with trial," said Ilham. According to him, RAP planted cannabis seeds in large pots first, after growing and then being moved to several small pots, then placed on the balcony of the house. Ilham explained that the confession of RAP, the marijuana planted for personal consumption, was not for trading. Because, RAP admits that he wants to save money in consuming marijuana. "So with the motivation that instead of buying, it's better to plant (gaye seeds). When he grows, he can use it," said Ilham. The police confiscated a number of evidences in the arrest of the RAP, namely four large cannabis plants, one medium-sized cannabis plant stem, and 17 small cannabis stems. The suspect RAP is threatened with being charged with Article 114 Paragraph 2, Article 111 Paragraph 2 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. "Of course we will carry out investigations and developments, we are hunting for those who sell the marijuana," said Ilham.

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