BOGOR - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) noted that at least 23 buildings and part of the one-kilometer long road were damaged due to a shift in land in Bojong Koneng Village, Babakan Madang, Bogor Regency, West Java.

Head of the Emergency and Logistics Division of the Bogor Regency BPBD, Aris Nurjatmiko, said that 24 residents were displaced due to the shift in land in Bojong Koneng.

"From this incident, 20 families were affected, then 177 families were threatened from two RWs with a total (residents) of 589 people," said Aris when met at the disaster site on Thursday, September 15.

He said the shift in land began to cause the road surface to crack on Wednesday afternoon, September 14, and the incident prompted residents living in the vicinity to flee to relatives' homes.

Currently, one kilometer from two kilometers of the road that was concreted by the Bojong Koneng Village Government in 2021 was damaged by a shift in land.

Aris revealed that the possibility of heavy rains that have fallen since Monday, September 12, triggered a shift in land in Bojong Koneng Village, which is located in hilly areas.

"Previously, three days of rain in a row here, that afternoon (Wednesday) at 15.30 WIB the ground began to move," said Aris.

In addition, Babakan Madang District is an area prone to land shifts in Bogor Regency.

The Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) stated that there were 10 sub-districts in Bogor Regency that had a high risk of experiencing disasters due to ground movement, namely Sukajaya, Nanggung, Leuwiliang, Citeureup, Babakan Madang, Sukamakmur, Tamansari, Tenjolaya, Cijeruk, and Cigombong.

"There are several aspects that are considered in determining areas prone to ground movement, including the topography of the region. The assumption is that the steeper it is, the more vulnerable the ground movement will be," said Head of Disaster Mapping and Climate Change Division of BIG Ferrari Pinem.

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