NTB - The Mataram City Food Security Service said it had a stock of 2.4 tons of food reserves rice as a measure to anticipate disasters ahead of the rainy season and extreme weather.

Head of the Mataram City Food Security Service (DKP), H Lalu Johari, said that as many as 2.4 tons were the remaining procurement in 2022 out of a total of 10 tons.

"We prepare 10 tons of food reserves for rice every year. We can propose an addition to Bulog if there is a shortage," he said in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province, quoted from Antara, Thursday, September 15.

According to him, the food reserves rice is issued when a disaster occurs, both natural and non-natural, in accordance with the proposal from the village.

"The kelurahan is the one who knows best the condition of its residents who are affected by the disaster and needs rice assistance," he said.

Mataram City is one of 10 regencies/cities in NTB that have six types of disasters from 10 types of disasters that often occur in NTB.

In addition to earthquakes accompanied by tsunamis, other disasters that threaten the Mataram City area are floods, residential fires, social conflicts, coastal waves, and abrasion. Therefore, when it comes to the west and extreme weather hundreds of fishermen in Mataram do not go to sea.

Johari said the stock of 2.4 tons of disaster reserve rice was in the form of 25 kilograms of packaging and ready to be distributed when there were reports of disasters. However, DKP is ready to package rice as requested, for example per 2.5 kilograms or 5 kilograms so that it is easy to share.

"But so far, on average, the kelurahan has proposed backup rice assistance and packaged it on its own as needed. For us, there is no problem, the important thing is communication," he said.

While alluding to the quality, Johari guarantees that the quality of food reserves rice distributed to the community is still good and fit for consumption.

Even to maintain the quality of rice, his party also carries out regular maintenance. "If there is any residue and the quality is not good enough, we will replace it with better quality rice," he said.

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