JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government received an award for public information disclosure by the PUsat Information Commission (KIP) RI in 2020. This award was also obtained in 2018 and 2019.

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said this award was the result of joint work with all levels of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, as well as community collaboration.

"Alhamdulillah, this year we managed to score a hat trick by winning again the award of public information disclosure in 2020, again from the Informative Public Agency Classification," Anies said in his statement, Thursday, November 26.

The award of local government with information qualification has determining indicators, namely website development, public information announcements, public information services, and provision of public information.

"In the results of monitoring and evaluation, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government scored 99.07," said Anies.

Especially this year, Anies said that information transparency in his government was seen in the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. It presents an online channel that facilitates the need for public information, namely corona.jakarta.go.id and the Jakarta now (JAKI) application.

"These public disclosure products continue to be developed, one of which is our speed to adapt and make breakthrough platforms that facilitate the need for transparent information related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only that, the platform also provides space for those who want to help others who are affected, "explained Anies.

In addition, there is a public information service, namely PPID DKI Jakarta. This service is stipulated in Governor Regulation Number 175 of 2016.

Then, the DKI Provincial Government provides open data through the Jakarta Open Data portal, with the website address data.jakarta.go.id. This portal involves all regional apparatus organizations (OPD).

Anies continued, the award that has been won for three consecutive years is a responsibility that must be maintained, even increased. How, through breakthroughs in the field of public information disclosure.

"This (KIP award) is an achievement to be grateful for but more importantly it is maintained and improved. By continuing to produce works, innovations and breakthroughs that are in line with today's challenges," concluded Anies.

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