KALBAR - Head of the West Kalimantan High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) Masyhudi emphasized that plantation entrepreneurs who do not pay the tax on the use of surface water in their area will be prosecuted.

"We will enforce the law against governor regulations regarding the imposition of tax on the collection and utilization of surface water, for those who do not obey the tax," said Masyhudi in Pontianak, quoted from Antara, Thursday, September 15.

He explained that the prosecutor's office in its function has the authority for civil and state administration fields tasked with upholding government authority from the central government to local governments.

"This means that the regulations that have been made by the government must be obeyed, both in terms of administrative, civil, and criminal law. So that tax fraud can be threatened or punished," he explained.

The West Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office stated that local revenue is very important to develop the region. Therefore, he hopes that the company can comply with the applicable rules and regulations.

"This also implements the principle of justice, don't be an entrepreneur who only takes advantage of West Kalimantan's natural resources but there is no contribution to the region," he said.

Previously, the Head of the West Kalimantan Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda), M Bari said, currently the West Kalimantan Provincial Government's target for the surface water utilization tax is Rp. 15 billion / year from the previous Rp. 3.5 billion.

"On this occasion, we tried to synergize with the West Kalimantan High Prosecutor's Office to increase taxes, so that it can help boost regional income," he said.

In addition to the surface water utilization tax, Bapenda West Kalimantan will in the near future also further increase motor vehicle tax revenues at mining and plantation companies.

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