JAKARTA - Indonesian Political Indicators had released the results of a survey related to the fuel oil subsidy. As a result, the majority of the people did not think that the fuel subsidy had been on target so far.

In the release of Indonesian Political Indicators, 53.3 percent of respondents considered it inappropriate to target. In detail, as many as 35.6 percent of respondents said they agreed. Meanwhile, 17.7 percent of respondents said they strongly agreed.

"There are those who think that the fuel subsidy is not right on target because it is more enjoyed by capable people, who are able to buy motorized vehicles," the survey report quoted, as seen from the presentation of this survey agency, Wednesday, September 14.

Meanwhile, 41.5 percent of respondents said they did not agree that the fuel subsidy provided by the government was not on target.

In detail, 28.7 percent of respondents said they did not agree and 12.8 percent did not agree at all. However, there were 5.2 percent of respondents who said they did not know/did not answer.

The survey was conducted by telephone interview on August 25-31 2022 against 1,219 respondents throughout Indonesia aged 17 years and over or married.

The survey's margin of error is estimated at approximately 2.9 percent at a 95 percent confidence level, the assumption is simple random sampling.

The selection of samples is carried out through the random digit diling (RDD) method through the process of generating random phone numbers, validation, and screening.

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