MAKASSAR - Stories of panai money from hundreds of millions to billions often appear on social media. Bugis women who are married to fantastic grades will definitely be the highlight of the conversation.

In South Sulawesi, the panai money phenomenon was highlighted in connection with the Vieranni model of marriage from Jeneponto. The dowry is said to have reached IDR 1.7 billion.

Now viral is also the application of a woman from West Malangke, North Luwu, South Sulawesi. The harvest is called hundreds of millions plus houses and jewelery.

"Congratulations mappetuada my beautiful cousin. Hopefully it will be carried out until the H. The record-breaking in West Malangke, 300 million in panai, the dowry of 1 housing unit plus 1 set of diamonds," the upload of one of his relatives on Facebook spread quickly on social media.

Panai money means spending money given by a future husband to his future wife according to the customs of the Bugis tribe. Marriage money from the past until now is still valid for men who want to propose to the woman he loves.

This panai money can be considered a burden for men if the nominal value is too large. The nominal value of panai money usually depends on the level of women to be applied for. The higher the stratum, the higher the panai money. For example, beauty, royal descent, education, to work.

So what is the view of panai money from a cultural perspective? Prof. Dr. Nurhayati Rahman who is also a Professor of the Faculty of Letters, Hasanuddin University (Unhas), mentioned the two biggest parties belonging to tribes in South Sulawesi. Both are wedding parties in Bugis and death parties in Toraja.

A wedding party for the Bugis in South Sulawesi has become a prestige related to siri, namely self-respect, dignity. Therefore, couples who are getting married must make extra efforts to ensure that they can serve meals for the invitees. This is entirely borne by the men.

Looking back at the past, according to Nurhayati, men tried to collect as much money as possible so that they could apply for the coveted woman.

"So this is what is missing now that the work ethic of men is now gone, the negatives are highlighted," said Nurhayati to VOI.

There are 4 conditions to be able to elevate the rank of men and women, namely courage, wealth, power and intelligence. For matters of applying, the factors of courage and wealth are of concern.

"For civil servants, laborers, or doctors, the men are not equal, ask for a lot of money. That's the principle, you can go around your kitchen 7 times, meaning can you feed your wife's children," he said.

"Currently, it is a matter of translation. People say that civil servants, doctors, rich parents, big businessmen, etc., have to bring a lot of money. But that's not the case, in our customary rules, for example as equal as possible and for expenses. just shopping, "continued Nurhayati.

According to Nurhayati, this panai money could be perceived negatively because it was commercialized and damaged the image of Bugis customs. For example, such as bargaining for panai money when a boy wants to propose to a girl.

But panai money can also trigger positive things. Because the man will work hard so that he can meet the harvest money.

The amount of panai money depends, there is no standard standard. Nurhayati said there were female parents who wanted a big party. There the panai money negotiations took place.

Usually this money is also displayed during the application procession. But the number called Nurhayati was kept secret.

"This panai money for the Bugis Makassar is a customary event that is very sacred to await and revered, just as Toraja people raise money for the funeral feast," he said.

Meanwhile, Professor of Makassar State University (UNM) Professor Halilintar Latief said that panai money is often associated with prestige.

"Being rich, having assets for the pilgrimage, that's one of the effects of being ashamed to be considered poor with each other so that there is prestige if the income is low. That's from an economic point of view," Halilintar said when contacted separately, Wednesday, November 25.

From a cultural perspective, Prof. Halilintar said, in marriage, the relationship is not only a pair of men and women, but also two marriages between families. There is no minimum standard for panai money.

"Not really (expensive), it depends on us, depending on both parties," he said.

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