JAKARTA - Polres Ponorogo, Jawa Timur, menetapkan dua orang tersangka penganiayaan terhadap AM (17), santri asal Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, hingga meninggal dunia.

Ponorogo Police Chief AKBP Catur Cahyono Wibowo revealed that the suspects MFA and IH were former students at the Darussalam Gontor Modern Islamic Boarding School. They are also senior victims at the boarding school Islamic education institution.

"This one suspect is still a minor (17 years old)," said Catur, Tuesday, September 13, quoted from Antara.

MFA (18) is a student from Tanah Datar, West Sumatra, while IH (17) is a student from Pangkal Pinang, Bangka Belitung. The two suspects are AM's classmate.

"The assault took place on Monday, August 22, or exactly three days after the Perkajum or Campground activities on Thursday, Friday," added Catur.

He explained that during the incident, the two perpetrators were still listed as students of the Modern Darussalam Islamic Boarding School, Gontor. However, after the violent incident that killed a student, the two suspects were expelled from the pesantren.

The persecution was confirmed from the statements of witnesses who had been questioned by the police. The two suspects also confirmed that the beating on the victim's legs and chest was AM in the Perkap Pondok 1 Gontor room.

Victim AM and two witnesses who were in grade 5 (equivalent to SMA class XI) were summoned by MFA and IH, as seniors as well as chairman and administrators of Perkajum's equipment.

Kedua tersangka memanggil korban dan saksi terkait kerusakan dan kehilangan barang inventory hutan. Untuk alasan itu, kedua tersangka kemudian melakukan pemukulan dengan dalih pemberian hukuman.

This blow and kick to the chest made AM's victim fall and become unconscious. Then, the two suspects took the victim to the emergency room at Yasyfin Hospital, Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor, using a rickshaw belonging to the Gontor Islamic Boarding School. However, AM was declared dead.

"The determination of the suspect was carried out after we carried out a series of investigations, including questioning witnesses. There were 20 witnesses, including Ustadz Ponpes Gontor, santri, doctor at Yasyfin Darussalam Gontor Hospital, the restoration officer, and the victim's family," said Catur.

The police have conducted a crime scene (TKP) at Ponpes Modern Darussalam 1 Ponorogo. The police also carried out pre-reconstruction and autopsied the bodies that had been buried at the Sei Selayur Public Cemetery, Kalidoni, Palembang, South Sumatra.

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