JAKARTA - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is counting on the West to re-settle his weapons delivery system, as Ukrainian forces move to consolidate control of large swaths of the northeastern territory seized from Russia.

Since Moscow left its main stronghold in northeastern Ukraine on Saturday, its worst defeat since its early days, Ukrainian forces have retaken dozens of towns in a stunning shift in battlefield momentum.

A senior US military official said Russia had largely ceded territory near Kharkiv in the northeast, pulling many of its troops across the border.

Washington and its allies have provided Ukraine with billions of dollars in weapons, which Kyiv says has helped limit Russia's gains.

In a video talk Monday evening, President Zelensky said Ukraine and the West must "strengthen cooperation to defeat Russian terror", Reuters reported on September 13.

President Zelensky said Ukraine had reclaimed about 6.000 sq km (2.400 sq mi) of territory, a chunk of Ukraine's total land area of ​​about 600.000 sq km. The recaptured land is roughly equivalent to the combined area of ​​the West Bank and Gaza.

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Ukrainian forces had made "significant progress" with Western support.

"What they have done is planned very methodically. Of course it benefits from significant support from the United States and many other countries, in ensuring Ukraine has the equipment it needs to prosecute this counterattack," Blinken said during a news conference in Mexico City.

[See also]

- https://voi.id/berita/209242/pm-ardern-selandia-baru-may-jadi-republik-but-not-dalam-time-near

- https://voi.id/berita/209230/head-iaea-sebut-russia-dan-ukraine-tertarik-usul-zona-perlindungan-di-pltn-zaporizhzhia

- https://voi.id/berita/209219/pasukan-ukraina-terus-punul-mundur-tentara-russia-dilaba-moskow-dengan-penembakan-ke-infraktur-sipil

- https://voi.id/berita/209192/pemimpin-chechnya-pastikan-unit-elite-they-back-ke-zona-operation-specific-ukraine-dipimpin-pahlawan-russia

- https://voi.id/berita/209174/sebut-pasukan-russia-akan-lanjutkan-operation-military-di-ukraine-kremlin-all-dilaporkan-kepada-panglima-tertinggi

[/See also]

Blinken said the Ukraine conflict is likely to continue for some time, as Russia still has very significant power and weapons in Ukraine, which are still being used 'indiscriminately' against civilians and civilian infrastructure.

"Russia is carrying out this aggression. I think given the price it has paid, it can and should be stopped," he said.

In hindsight, Washington announced its newest weapons program for Ukraine last week, including ammunition for the HIMARS anti-rocket system. Previously, they had sent the NASAMS surface-to-air missile system to Ukraine, which was capable of shooting down the plane.

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