PADANG - The West Sumatra West Pasaman Police have arrested two perpetrators suspected of abusing the use of subsidized fuel oil (BBM) of the Bio Solar type in Muara Talang, Ranah Batahan District.
West Pasaman Police Chief AKBP M. Aries Purwanto said the two suspects were NF (39) and SR (27), both of whom were residents of Air Balam Jorong Kampung Randah, Nagari Parit, Koto Balingka District.
"Both of them were arrested by the Opsnal team of the West Pasaman Police Satreskrim on Thursday night at around 19.10 WIB," he said at Simpang Empat, Antara, Friday, September 9.
According to him, the arrests of the two suspects were based on information from the public and Police Report Number: LP/A/226/IX/2022/SPKT/RES PASBAR/POLDA SUMBAR dated September 8, 2022.
"Officers were on patrol at the time, and received reports that there was a subsidized fuel abuse of the Bio diesel type in Muara Talang, Ranah Batahan District," he said.
He explained that when he arrived in the Muara Talang area, officers met a white minibus vehicle with Police Number BA 8934 SM transporting dozens of jerry cans suspected of containing subsidized Bio Solar fuel covered with orange tarpaulins.
Seeing this, he said, the West Pasaman Police Satreskrim Opsnal Team immediately ambushed the vehicle in Muara Talang and arrested the two suspects along with dozens of jerry cans suspected of containing Bio Solar fuel.
From the hands of the police perpetrators, they managed to secure evidence in the form of 56 jerry cans containing Bio Solar fuel which were transported using a white Daihatsu Grandmax minibus vehicle with BA Police Number 8934 BC.
From the results of the initial interrogation, the two suspects filled Bio Solar-subsidized fuel at one of the gas stations in West Pasaman. Then it will be sold out of West Pasaman Regency at a higher price.
He emphasized that the suspect's actions were charged with Article 55 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2001 with a maximum sentence of 6 years in prison and a maximum fine of 60 billion.
"Currently, we have brought the two suspects and evidence to the West Pasaman Police for further investigation," he said.
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