JAKARTA - The DPR and the Government have agreed to bring the Personal Data Protection Bill (RUU) to a level II discussion in the DPR Plenary Meeting to be ratified into law.

Chairman of Commission I of the House of Representatives Meutya Hafid hopes that the ratification of the PDP Bill will stop cases of public personal data leakage.

The agreement for the ratification of the PDP Bill was taken in a working meeting between Commission I of the DPR and the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo), the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), as well as the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) on Wednesday 7 September. The agreement will be brought to the DPR Deliberative Body (Bamus) Meeting.

"We hope that the PDP Bill can be discussed in the nearest DPR Plenary Meeting," said Meutya Hafid, Friday, September 9.

According to him, the PDP Bill will provide legal certainty with permanent force in protecting people's personal data in the digital realm. Meutya said that the PDP Bill was very much needed considering that cyber attacks in Indonesia were increasingly rampant.

"The PDP Bill will become the legal basis for protecting personal data which is the right of all citizens," he said.

"With the ratification of the PDP Bill, we hope that more and more cases of personal data leakage can be stopped," continued Meutya.

The final script for the PDP Bill consists of 371 Lists of Inventory even (DIM) and produces 16 Chapters and 76 articles. The number of articles in the PDP Bill increased by 4 articles from the government's initial proposal at the end of 2019, which was 72 articles.

"Through these rules that will soon be established, the State will have regulations in establishing rules for the protection and security of public personal data," explained Meutya.

Not only that, the PDP Bill is also related to digital security in the midst of rapid technological advances. Meutya also highlighted the large number of cyber attacks that occurred, including against ministries and state institutions.

"The DPR's commitment is to provide the right to the security of people's personal data from all forms of crime," said the legislator from the North Sumatra I electoral district.

The PDP Bill has actually been discussed since 2016. The DPR continues to encourage the PDP Bill to be ratified into law immediately.

The dynamics that occurred in the discussion of the PDP Bill did not stop the DPR's enthusiasm to continue to struggle to finalize the PDP Bill. In the discussion of this bill, the DPR also continues to open up space for all elements of society to provide input, said Meutya.

After discussing the 6th session, the DPR and the Government agreed on a number of crucial issues. One of them is related to the PDP supervisory agency which will stand independent and the formulation of sanctions.

Later, this supervisory agency will be directly responsible to the President. Meutya hopes that the independent institutions that will be formed will be able to work effectively in protecting people's personal data.

"The public puts high hopes in the State so that their personal data is safe, and that the Indonesian people and this nation are protected from cyber attacks," he concluded.

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