JAMBI - Jambi Regional Police conducted a raid on the location of an illegal oil mine in Bukit Subur Village, South Bahar District, Muarojambi and arrested 11 workers who carried out mining activities. The Head of Public Relations of the Jambi Police, Kombes Mulia Prianto, explained that the raid on illegal oil mines was carried out by the Sub-Directorate IV/Tipidter team of the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Jambi Police together with Denpom II/Jambi on Tuesday, September 6. "The raid was carried out based on information from the public who have long been restless with illegal oil mining activities," he said when contacted in Jambi, Antara, Thursday, September 8. Mulia explained that the team of Sub-Directorate IV / Tipidter Ditreskrimsus Jambi Police, Denpom II/Jambi and Satreskrim Polres Muaro Jambi moved to an illegal mining location in Bukit Subur Village after receiving reports from the local community. "When they arrived at the location, it was true that the team found illegal oil mining activities and workers who were active," he said. From the location of the illegal mine, 11 people were arrested, namely SU, RO, S, IM, LU, JE, BO, DI, DE, AH, and SR. They were secured while mining illegal oil In addition, the police also confiscated a number of evidences, including seven modified two-wheeled vehicles, seven iron canting pipes, seven mining roller rope, seven pulleys, four drill pipes, three galpanis pipes, and two rigs. "For evidence, two rigs have not been evacuated from the location," added Kombes Mulia. Currently, eleven perpetrators of illegal oil mining have been detained at the Jambi Police Headquarters for further investigation.

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