JAKARTA - Deputy Mayor of Depok, Imam Budi Hartono has his own way of motivating new students of the Indonesian Professional Education and Development Institute (LP3i).

Imam wants students to have a high passion for education. Imam said, dedication to always learn can change the future of students.

"Let's not look at our current background, our current condition, let's be enthusiastic to fight in this life, so that we can become successful people happy in the world and the hereafter," said Imam, as quoted from the official website of the Depok City Government, Wednesday, September 7.

In front of 225 LP3I swabs, Imam told the story of the son of a taxi driver who is now able to become Deputy Mayor of Depok. In addition, the story is expected to be able to become a story that can be imitated and used as motivation, especially for the current millennial generation.

"That nothing is impossible if we straighten out our intentions and continue to do our best in living life, even in the midst of limitations," he explained.

Imam also said that his parents often gave him tasks as a child. All of this is to train him to become an independent person.

"Because I am the first son, my older brother is four girls. The children who are wanted by men, then every time there is work about something for my father, I must ask for it. For example, I pushed the car, the brakes on my car failed, and my father continued to improve. that way," he said.

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