JAKARTA - The Governor of West Java, M Ridwan Kamil, hopes that the TNI-Polri will maintain the conduciveness of West Java during the implementation of the 2020 Pilkada Simultaneously in seven districts and one municipality.

"For 10 years, the Pilkada in West Java has always been conducive to no violations or riots," said Kang Emil, after becoming an Apple inspector for the TNI-Polri Forces in the context of Simultaneous Pilkada 2020 Security Readiness at the West Java Regional Police Headquarters, Bandung, as reported by Antara, Tuesday , 24 November.

The regions holding the simultaneous regional elections in West Java this time are Bandung Regency, Cianjur Regency, Sukabumi Regency, Karawang Regency, Indramayu Regency, Tasikmalaya Regency, Pangandaran Regency, and Depok.

He stated, the conduciveness of West Java when the Pilkada took place was inseparable from the spirit of penance, compassion, and caring, which the West Java people hold firmly.

"The word silih means giving mutual kindness, if we are friendly and kind, God willing, the community is also friendly and kind. Because basically the people of West Java are hade ka semah," he said. The translation in Indonesian is: West Java is friendly to guests.

He also asked the TNI / Polri to intensely supervise and educate the public in implementing the 3M health protocol, namely wearing masks, maintaining distance, and washing hands with soap, especially during voting.

"We have to be an example, I entrust everyone here to be an example. Good leadership is an example as an individual who cannot be mistaken, maintaining health protocols starts from oneself," he said.

"Maintain neutrality in the seven West Java Regional Police and one Polda Metro Jaya area. Do not let anyone play practical politics," he said.

TNI / Polri, he said, could invite community leaders to jointly educate the public. The goal is to improve community discipline in implementing health protocols. "Let's build public trust, be treated with the way we are present in society, do humanist assertiveness," he said.

In addition, he also advised the West Java KPUD to prepare the best scenario so that the crowd could be avoided when the voting took place.

"I entrust it to the committee to ensure we have to win in the implementation of the 3M health protocol during the 2020 simultaneous regional elections," he said.

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