JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian asked the Regional General Election Commission (KPUD) to carry out a simulation before the 2020 Pilkada will be held on 9 December. He also asked that checking the implementation of health protocols should be carried out in cooperation with the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkompida).

According to him, this simulation is important so that the KPUD and Forkompida and other elements involved in organizing this election understand the rules for implementing the 2020 Pilkada which will be held in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Hopefully the KPUD will soon carry out a simulation with Forkopimda. So that who does what it is really known by the polling station organizers (TPS)," said Tito in an analysis and evaluation meeting of the Simultaneous Pilkada stages at the Kemenko Polhukam office, Jakarta as quoted. from the written statement of the Ministry of Home Affairs Puspen to reporters, Monday, 23 November.

In addition, the former National Police Chief also hopes that the voting organizing group (KPPS) can coordinate regarding voting procedures before the 2020 Pilkada voting is held. All things related to how to enter, equipment for voters, organizers, security, supervision, and timing of voting must get attention to avoid crowds that have the potential to become a means of transmitting COVIDD-19.

"Including among them the most important thing that we need to know together is setting the clock. If not, everyone who comes will be served, first in first serve. Now, no, then there will be a collection, so the key. is at KPPS, "he explained.

Tito also requested that there be special treatment for elderly voters who suffer from congenital or comorbid diseases because they are included in the vulnerable group exposed to COVID-19.

"For the elderly and those who are comorbid in the midst of this pandemic because they are susceptible to transmission, we recommend that they be given special treatment by the KPPS," he said.

Furthermore, Minister of Home Affairs Tito said that the success of the 2020 Pilkada is not only the responsibility of the KPU. Thus, he invited all stakeholders and the public to support the implementation of this regional head election by obeying orderliness and implementing health protocols.

"Let us support it with all the available strengths, the power of protection of the people under the local government, the Civil Service Police Unit that is under the Regional Government, the Police colleagues and also the TNI colleagues because indeed this election situation has never happened in history the Indonesian nation, "he said.

Previously, in the same meeting, the head of the KPU, Arief Budiman, reported to the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs regarding the development and preparation for the simultaneous regional elections, especially regarding the arrangement of arrival hours which were divided into five groups.

He said, the KPU had carried out simulations both in voting and during vote counting in 104 city districts and several other places.

"So, the number of DPT in the TPS will be divided into five groups, the first group at 07.00-08.00 am, the second group at 08.00-09.00 am, and so on until the last 12.00 to 13.00 noon," said Arief.

Meanwhile, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD has advised all parties, both election organizers and related parties, to maintain a conducive situation until the Pilkada voting takes place on December 9.

"In the next 12 days, we should not let our guard down, we will keep the situation conducive. We have to ensure that the calm period of 6-8 December is completely calm," said Mahfud while chairing the analysis and evaluation meeting of the Simultaneous Pilkada stages at the Kemenko Polhukam office. Jakarta quoted Antara, Monday, November 23.

Furthermore, Mahfud also reminded that health protocols should be implemented during the Pilkada. Likewise with logistics distribution, it must be ensured that it arrives on time and safely. "The possibility of crowds is fully anticipated, in order to avoid the accumulation of people by adjusting the hours and schedules for people to vote," said Mahfud.

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