YOGYAKARTA The investigative team also involved the Forensic Laboratory Center (Puslabfor) of the National Police Headquarters in investigating the murder case of Brigadier J or Novriansyah Yosua Hutabarat who ensnared the former Head of Propam Division (Kadiv) Inspector General Ferdy Sambo. So, what is the task of Puslabfor Police Headquarters?

Please note, in the National Police Chief Regulation No. 6/2017 concerning the Organizational Organizational Structure and Organizational Units Work Level at the National Police Headquarters level of the Republic of Indonesia, Puslabfor is a technical implementing element under the Head of the National Police's Criminal and Investigation Agency (Kabareskrim).

Puslabfor Police Headquarters was formed on January 15, 1954. The establishment of the Puslabfor was marked by the issuance of a letter from the Head of the National Police Number: 1/VIII/1954, the Interpol Section and the Laboratory Section were formed, which are under the Criminal Investigation Service.

Puslabfor's vision is to support the implementation of law enforcement based on science and technology to provide legal certainty and realize law enforcement officers and forensic-minded communities.

Quoted by VOI from the National Police's Library of the National Police website, Puslabfor is tasked with supporting the tasks of the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit by applying forensic science to uncover criminal acts.

Puslabfor Bareskrim Polri is currently led by Brigadier General Pol. Ir. Raden Agus Budiharta.

In disclosing a criminal case, Puslabfor can carry out technical examinations of crime scenes and/or scientific and comprehensive criminal laborative examination of evidence.

The function of the Puslabfor Police Headquarters includes:

In investigating criminal cases, Puslabfor Polri was assisted by:

The task of the National Police Headquarters Puslabfor in the murder case of Brigadier J

In the murder case of Brigadier J, the Forensic Laboratory Center conducted a ballistic test of the shooting of Brigadier J at the official residence of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

From the examination, the Puslabfor team managed to find out the number of bullets to the type of weapon used during the shooting of Brigadier Joshua. In fact, Puslabfor also analyzed the metallurgical or which involved the composition of the metal or bullets used.

The task of the National Police Headquarters Puslabfor in the Birgadir J case is to explore the two cellphones confiscated by investigators. The cellphone is allegedly owned by Brigadier J.

From the results of the investigation, it turned out that the two cellphones did not belong to Brigadier J. Polri using the scientific crime investigation method or scientific-based investigation in exploring the evidence found so that it was valid and the case could be proven in court.

Until now, the National Police Chief's team is still looking for the whereabouts of the cellphone.

The cell phone examination aims to find the real facts about the motive for the murder of Brigadier J.

In addition, Puslabfor Polri Headquarters also examined five digital video recorders (DVR) or CCTV footage obtained by a special team formed by the National Police Chief related to the shooting incident that killed Brigadier J.

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