JAKARTA - The high priest of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab is healthy. FPI asked the government not to hand over COVID-19 test assistance to Rizieq Shihab.

“The police came to Petamburan to ask about HRS's condition, they answered that they were healthy. He is perfectly healthy, fit, ”said Secretary of Legal Aid DPP FPI, Aziz Yanuar when contacted, Sunday, November 22.

Aziz emphasized that the government does not need to bother with Rizieq Shihab about the COVID-19 test. FPI already has its own team from Hilal Merah Indonesia (HILMI) and MER-C

"For swab and others, we have a team from HILMI and MER-C, so the government doesn't have to bother and give HRS and FPI a priority," he said.

If the offer for the COVID-19 test was based on health reasons, FPI again questioned the condition at the Police Headquarters. Where a number of prisoners like Gus Nur asked for a suspension of detention for fear of the spread of COVID-19 after a detainee was detected with COVID-19.

"Please pay attention to the National Police Headquarters cluster where Gus Nur et al were detained the other day and have been asked for a suspension twice on grounds of health and the spread of COVID-19 because Gus Nur et al were detained together with prisoners who tested positive for COVID-19," said Aziz.

"Twice our requests with guarantees from DPR members Pak Habiburokhman and his wife were not responded to. Finally, he was treated at the National Police Hospital for 3 days, suspected of having COVID-19 and is currently being returned to the Police Headquarters Detention Center. How about this in terms of humanity and health? It's clear that COVID-19 is spreading and why are you busy with being healthy and fit? " Aziz continued.

Meanwhile, when asked about the existence of the latest regional regulation in DKI which regulates sanctions for residents refusing the COVID-19 test, Aziz answered briefly.

"No problem, we obey the law," he said.

Previously reported, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan signed Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 2 of 2020 concerning the prevention of Corona Virus Desease 2019 (COVID-19). There are rules that contain sanctions for violators related to COVID-19.

There are several important things discussed in the Perda. For example, the involvement of the DPRD in the status of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) in DKI Jakarta.

The involvement of the DKI DPRD in deciding the continuation of the PSBB is stated in paragraph 3.

"The policies for implementing the PSBB and / or policies required in the implementation of health quarantine in the DKI Jakarta Province as referred to in paragraph (2) are stipulated by taking into account the suggestions and considerations of the DKI Jakarta Provincial DPRD," wrote the Regional Regulation on COVID-19 Management.

Meanwhile, Article 29 of Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2020 concerning the Prevention of COVID-19 states that "every person who deliberately refuses to carry out a Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction or Molecular Rapid Test and / or a supporting examination conducted by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will be punished with the most fine IDR 5 million ”.

Meanwhile, Article 30 states "Every person who deliberately refuses to receive treatment and / or vaccination for COVID-19, will be punished with a maximum fine of Rp. 5 million".

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