YouTube Makes A New Policy Where They Can Post Free Ads On Content Creators
Photo illustration (Szabo Viktor / Unsplash)

JAKARTA - YouTube is rumored to be placing ads on users who do not qualify for the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) without sharing their revenue.

Later, advertisements will be placed on videos with small audiences. So far, Youtube has shared ad revenue with content creators who are only included in the YPP program. While videos that are not included in the program will not have advertisements attached.

Android Police proclaimed, Sunday, November 22, to become a Youtube partner, a channel must have at least a thousand subscribers with an accumulated viewing time of up to four thousand hours in 12 months.

Therefore, at this time all videos uploaded on YouTube will serve ads. Even though users only upload videos only to the closest people. It is possible that the video will still have an ad embedded in it.

However, YouTube also has regulations not to display ads on content that uses inappropriate language, contains hate speech, adult material and more. These ads appear only on videos that meet ad-friendly guidelines. YouTube will use machine learning and human curators to ensure the ad is distributed on the correct content.

"If you do not enter YPP, you will not get a share of ad revenue. You can still apply for YPP if you qualify," said YouTube.

The platform with the red logo will also not display ads on channels that have been removed from the partner program, because it is certain that their content violates the rules. This change will be made gradually to users in various countries until mid-2021. For information, this provision was made after Youtube recorded third-quarter revenue, which rose 32 percent from last year's IDR 71.5 trillion.

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