MEDAN - Candidate for mayor number 2 Bobby Nasution wants to change the slogan 'This is Medan, Dude', which has had a negative connotation. The negative connotation arises because the Medan problem has not been resolved.

"(Slogan) This is Medan, Dude, used to have a positive connotation, but today it has become negative because the problems in Medan are not resolved. Floods, potholes, traffic jams, drugs, corruption have made 'This is Medan Dude' negative, "said Bobby Nasution in the Medan Pilkada debate broadcast on YouTube KPU Medan, Saturday, November 21.

The recipe for changing a negative image to a positive one in the slogan 'This is Medan Dude', according to Bobby, has been included in his program with the deputy mayor candidate for Medan Aulia Rachman.

There is Medan Tajir, namely Medan without flooding, Medan Shining or clean without drugs, Medan Neat which is investment friendly and Medan Branch which is a beautiful clean Medan without holes.

"If this happens during my leadership, with Bang Aulia, believe me slowly. This negative connotation. Medan Bung will be positive and boast the city of Medan with characteristics that should be the winner in the province or Sumatra," said Bobby.

Meanwhile, candidate number 1 for mayor Akhyar Nasution admitted that he had social problems. But according to him, it needs handling through coordination between regions or related agencies.

"There are people with social problems in Medan. Medan is the provincial capital, an open city. Anyone can come to the Medan city to find a life, ”said Akhyar during the Medan Pilkada debate.

According to Akhyar Nasution, people with social problems need serious handling between regions and between agencies. Because according to him people with social problems come from outside the city of Medan.

"If we examine more deeply, it turns out that most of them are not Medan City residents, yes they are present in Medan. So the inter-regional handling and the Medan City Government through the Social Service provide guidance, shelter houses are prepared, ”said Akhyar who was paired with Salman Alfarisi in the Medan Pilkada.

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