After The Unloading Of A Number Of Illegal Oil Storage Warehouses, The Jambi Police Are Now Tracing The Distribution Line
Jambi Police have traced the distribution route to the activities of illegal oil warehouses in Jambi (ANTARA)
JAMBI - Jambi Police are investigating the distribution of illegal oil as a development of raids on a number of storage warehouses, including those burned at Simpang Rimbo Jambi City, Jambi Province. The Director of Special Criminal Investigation (Dirreskrimsus) of the Jambi Regional Police, Kombes Christian Tory, said the perpetrators took the oil from illegal oil drilling actors from the Bayung banyelir area, South Sumatra Province (Sumsel). "From the results of their confession, most of them took oil from Bayung problemir, South Sumatra (Sumsel)," he said in Jambi, Antara, Friday, August 26. Tory explained, in Jambi there are several locations identified as places where illegal drilling occurred. "Then the process is that these illegal crude drilling oils are brought to Bayungcur, South Sumatra Province (Sumsel) to be processed," he explained. After the crude oil was processed in Bayung media, South Sumatra (Sumsel) and cooking was directly distributed to several places. "There it is processed and after cooking, then distributed to several places where the oil will be used for industrial activities and mining activities as well," he explained. From the results of the police search, information was obtained that the illegal oil distributed by the perpetrators was also mixed with pure oil. "So there was pure oil then the driver was lowered, then some were replaced with this illegal oil, only then they were sent or distributed to places that used this oil," he explained. In this case, the police have named three suspects, namely the owner of the warehouse with the initials APW, the wife of the warehouse owner with the initials EM and the driver with the initials DP. After the fire incident, an illegal oil warehouse that had blocked the east Sumatran highway some time ago, the Jambi police had also taken action and sealed 18 oil warehouses spread across the cities of Jambi, Muarojambi, Sarolangun, Muaro Bungo and Merangin. From the prosecution at each location carried out by inspection, various evidences of illegal fuel storage (BBM) such as tedmons, tanks, jerry cans, to pump machines were found.

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